This project that I did for Christian was inspired through the Sprite Stitch Blog which I found through Celia’s website. Apparently he’s a friend of her husband. Cool blog for those who like gaming and crafting!!!!
I saw this pattern from his blog and decided to make Christian a little dice bag for Valentines day. I actually have never finished a cross stitch until this one! All the other ones I’ve started have been pretty big and I’ve lost interest before finishing so this one was just the right size! It took just about 1 hour to do the cross stitch and another hour to sew up the bag, complete with drawstring and lining. Anyway, here it is:
Also here’s a simple recipe card for a swap this past week:
I’m so with you on the cross stitch thing. I’ve always lost interest before finishing! Maybe I should start small as well.
My husband loves gaming too- what is Christian into??
Ohh LOVE the dice bag. Its lovely!
did you see your bag up on his blog?
Celia: Nope, I haven’t checked yet, but I’m going to right now!
3sweetboys1princess: Christian loves role playing games, and ones having anything to do with Mario and Zelda. He also plays computer games like Civilizations…
Erin- I will have to tell Kim, he has a hard time finding mature guys who like role playing games. Kim also likes Warhammer because he likes to paint miniatures (he’s quite good at painting them, they are so small).
My husband paints Warhammer too but doesn’t play because he hasn’t found anyone else here who does.
Hmmm…I think a gaming night is in order for the guys!
My husband wants to know if Kim paints 40K or Fantasy.